1-on-1 Support to Reclaim Confidence, Motivation, and Career Clarity

What It's Like To Work With Us

Our Clients Say It Best...

What's It Like To Work With Us?

Our Clients Say It Best...

The teenagers and young adults in our program have all gone through tremendous challenges, personally, academically, and professionally, to get to where they are today. They have all fully awakened their inner superheroes. I have nothing but positive words to say about these superheroes who have done the work to reclaim not only their personal power and lives, but helping others reclaim theirs as well.

The success of these teenagers and young adults inspire me daily. I hope they can inspire you to give your child another chance.

What My Clients Say

Massive thank you to the one and only Dr. Ai. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for Dr. Ai. Dr. Ai changed my life. The lessons that she has taught me are so valuable to succeed in life and business.


High School Student, Ireland

Real world perspective on essential life skills. It's so relevant. Great coach. Really exceptional. Dr. Ai is what a coach/teacher should be. She is always there for her students. She is the best!

Mom, United States


The transformation is huge. My daughter is back. She struggled for three years. Now she is taking ownership and responsibility. She is getting up at 4am to study and I have to remind her to take breaks. It is a miracle.

Mom, United Kingdom


I can genuinely say that Dr. Ai has helped me get my life back on track. Since 8th grade, I started to procrastinate and not do my work ... and started to get bad grades. This continued all through high school until college. I had a shame-based way to look at completing tasks. Dr. Ai really helped me and her system provided me the external support and accountability I need. I now know it will only be a matter of time for me to get my degree.

College Student, US


My son has come out of his shell. He interacted with coaches and mentors. He was happy to talk to them. My son has become a lot more confident and changed his mindset. I highly recommend Classroom Without Walls to other parents with teenagers and young adults.

A collection of parents and students

United States, Australia, Ireland, and India

Parents Testimonials

I love Dr Ai and all she has done for my son Joey. He just graduated from a private school where he started off great with a high 3 GPA but ended his high school at a 2.99 with all the issues with COVID and remote learning. He had no direction or motivation. He hated classroom work and it was a battle with him and me all the time. I heard about Dr. Ai a few years earlier but at that time I did not have the money to invest in him. I wish I had found a way as I think it would have saved me and him a lot of stress. After he graduated, he did not know what he wanted to do. He wanted to go to college except for the fact he did not want to do the work. I decided it was time to invest in him as I did not want to spend 100k on college for him to graduate (assume he would finish college) without any direction and waste all that money.

She has been a life saver for him. She was able to break through walls with Joey and get him talking and excited about his future. That was something I had not seen in him for years. After a gap year, he is now at Miami University Hamilton and doing well even in classes he is doing remotely. I am no longer nagging him to get things done. He is taking responsibility and doing the work. She has found a way to get through to him where I as a parent was not able to. She keeps me informed on all their sessions and when I have a concern about his progress, she incorporates those concerns in her 1:1 with him. It was not an overnight process, but it happened much quicker than I expected.

I recommend Classroom Without Walls with Dr. Ai. My only regret is I did not invest in the program sooner!


Mom, United States

We reached out to Dr. Ai as a last resort to help our daughter who is very bright and intelligent but wasn't taking anything in her life seriously.

Our daughter did very well in her primary school (age 5 to 11) but in secondary school (age 12 to 18, currently 15 yo) she had lost interest in her studies. Our messages to her were falling on deaf ears and we were all getting angry and frustrated with each other.

It was affecting our family life in general and we knew we needed support. As parents we were determined to help our daughter and we also realised that we needed an expert coach. It has been the best decision that we have made.

Dr. Ai, had sessions with us to understand the details and also gave us the guidance and the tools to help us understand the situation, the science behind our actions and the effect of our actions. She also started having weekly sessions with our daughter.

Our daughter loves her sessions with Dr. Ai and she always looks forward to these. Dr. Ai has been helping her to understand herself, teaching her techniques to tackle situations as they come up in life, dealing with friendships and teaching her to take responsibility of her life goals and much much more.

Within a month, we saw a huge positive transformation in our daughter's behaviour and personality. As the months have gone by, we have seen our daughter taking responsibility for her studies, doing well in her tests, getting good scores and most importantly her friends and teachers have been noticing the positive change and praising her for it. She is happy, we are happy to see her shine.

A wider positive effect has been that she is now helping her sister. She is calm, relaxed, honest and is taking responsibility of her actions.

We are so happy to get our daughter back. This would never have been possible without the help and support of Dr. Ai. We are going to be forever grateful and indebted to Dr. Ai.

Thank you for being the light in our daughter's life, Dr. Ai. She loves and trusts you as her family xx


Mom, United Kingdom

I literally cried 😭 when I saw the transformation and growth of these students before my eyes and to see my own Goddaughter who suffers from severe anxiety conquer her fears and give a presentation. I can't help but think how much more successful I would be if I joined a program like Classroom Without Walls when I was young. So grateful for this opportunity.  


Dad, United States

My daughter, Rachel, is currently in Dr. Ai's Life Accelerator program. I asked her this morning what she thought of her experience so far. She said that she loved the real-world, RELEVANT perspective on essential life skills. She thinks Dr. Ai is a "great teacher, really exceptional." She said she is "what a teacher should be". She feels that Dr. Ai is always there for her. As a parent, I love to see my daughter so engaged and excited. On a recent intern application, she was able to include her global collaboration experience from the program. Dr. Ai had her students connect with a student in Singapore, coordinate a presentation together, and then present it on a Livestream show. Rachel not only learned about the collaboration and presentation aspects but the cultural difference in their approach was really enlightening to her. In summary, she says Dr. Ai is "The BEST!".


Mom, United States

Incredible transformation in my 13-year old in only 4 weeks coaching sessions with Dr. Ai. Thank you Dr. Ai for planting critical thinking in my daughter. Thank you for building her confidence and for guiding her in connecting with her values. I can’t thank you enough for making her the amazing young lady she is today . Her confidence is vibrant and I see it in many incidents everyday. And seeing her argue and defend her opinion is such a reward in a very short period of time. Thank you for preparing my daughter better to face the real world. 


Mom, Saudi Arabia

Thank you, Dr. Ai. It appears that my daughter is very receptive to you and your methodologies. Thank you, again, you are a godsend!


Mom, United States

Thank you, Dr. Ai. Today’s coaching session was an eye-opening session. I understood what mistakes we are doing as parents without knowing why the kids are behaving in a certain way. Thanks for the wonderful insight given.


Mom, United States

Students Testimonials

Dr. Ai has inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and shoot for the stars in my career. Motivated, career driven, and goal-orientated, Dr. Ai’s passion is to help her students succeed. She has inspired me to grow not only in my profession, but instilled a sense of confidence in my abilities to conquer my dreams and strive for professional excellence, no matter the challenge. Dr. Ai’s enthusiastic and supportive nature empowered me to push boundaries outside the classroom walls for the benefit and success of my future career as a Logistics Manager supporting the U.S. Navy and the Fleet. Dr. Ai is hardworking, compassionate, motivating, and poses a selfless desire to help her students achieve their long-term, professional goals while helping them discover the most efficient path to a successful and rewarding career.

Dr. Ai is truly an educational disrupter, as she cares for the welfare and career growth of her pupils first regardless of traditional educational practices or barriers in the academic world. Thanks to Dr. Ai’s unconditional kindness, encouragement and support, I have faithfully practiced the communication skills I developed through her coaching, and I have diligently kept her teachings in mind as I successfully climbed the career ladder over the years. Dr. Ai is not just an educational disrupter, but a friend and mentor to us all. I am deeply grateful and appreciative for all of the professional and personal guidance she has given me throughout the years. She is truly an inspiration in my life, and I fully endorse Dr. Ai in all her endeavors to refine the future of academia for many generations.


College Student, United States

Before I started working with Dr. Ai, I had never thought that coaching could apply to areas other than sports, but I learned that clearly isn’t true. As I was personally going through a tough time career-wise, I reached out to Dr. Ai for guidance. Dr. Ai has been very empathetic, supportive, and exemplary throughout the initial call and the entire Life Accelerator course process. Her curriculum and coaching have also helped me discover my ideal career path.

Dr. Ai went above and beyond spending extra time to patiently and understandingly answer and ease all my questions and doubts while providing accurate constructive feedback as I needed throughout the entire process of the Life Accelerator Program and continues to support me after the completion of the Life Accelerator Program through her Momentum Program.

One of the biggest benefits I received from this program was learning and adopting positive patterns of behavior, such as learning how to set, execute, and achieve many things big and small off my bucket list of priorities rather than a simple to-do list.

Dr. Ai’s energy, enthusiasm, and dedication kept me invested in maintaining my own accountability and efforts throughout the course of the program.

Overall, I enjoyed working with Dr. Ai and I am impressed by her depth of experience and leadership on Career and Life Coaching in general. I cannot recommend Dr. Ai enough for her passion, thoughtfulness, and dedication as a Career and Life Coach. I am now motivated to pursue my career as a creative writer.


College Graduate, United States

As a student who is very familiar with the common method of teaching inside the classroom, learning outside of formal school from a mentor has always been a great challenge for me until I met Dr. Ai. She is great at teaching online skills and allowing the students to use them to communicate with her. I have significantly improved my social image online as her student and also met multiple professionals in my area of interest.

Dr. Ai has given me the necessary tools to become more confident when speaking with other people and convince them that I am a credible source as well. As a consequence of this more people have accepted my connection requests on LinkedIn and I have gained followers on other social media platforms. She has encouraged me to take the first step with content creation on LinkedIn and doing live interviews with professionals. Also allowed me to interview her first so I could make mistakes and learn from them.

During my time with Dr. Ai, I have felt that there is no such thing as failure but only learning. When I do not achieve something on the first try I no longer see it as if I failed but instead I see it as if I learned how to do it even better the next time. I have felt more comfortable working with her online than I ever have in the formal classroom setup. I have found my ideal career path thanks to her.

If you are struggling to find your dream career path, or learn to have a professional and appealing online image Dr. Ai and her company Classroom Without Walls are the way to go. There you will learn everything there is to know about becoming confident online and finding the career path that will lead to a happy life!


High School Student, United States

Let me just say this first, Having Dr Ai as my mentor on this program has been like having someone in my life who never stops believing in you, not just in me, but in all of the students on the programme. She is always full of energy and I have never seen her ever break her smile :]. Before I was just in my room after the previous opportunity Dr Ai gave me which was a scholarship to Singapore to meet some amazing successful entrepreneurs and I had learnt so much from them all, stuff that the education system could never teach me. But when I was feeling down she would always be happy to stay behind a live stream and have a talk with me which is the real sign that this mentor is always going to be there for me through the tough times and will never leave my side or any students side. She is a superstar and an inspiration to me and she will be also for anyone else who joins her program. She has changed the way I think and every day I am growing as a student and a young entrepreneur and I am just so thankful for the opportunity to be coached by Dr. Ai. Before I was getting bullied badly online and then Dr Ai came into my life with her Life Accelerator program and she told me that if people are hating on you, you are thinking differently than them and not following the crowd. But I would say that if you are considering putting your kids through college and they want to try something different then they should definitely check out Dr Ai's Classroom Without Walls Life Accelerator program as it has changed my life dramatically.


High School Student, Ireland

I was in Dr. Ai's Classroom Without Walls program. She is one of the best and most inspiring teachers I have ever had. Her enthusiasm for teaching is infectious and I really felt like the program was tailored to each person. She was extremely helpful and always available whenever I needed. I am leaving the program with a much better understanding of myself and the direction of my life. I would recommend Dr. Ai as a mentor/teacher/speaker to everyone. 


College Student, United States

Students Testimonials

Where do you begin when writing a recommendation for someone who has had such a huge impact on my life and business in the last year plus some. Dr. Ai has been the answer to some of my needs that I didn't even know I had! She has been an exceptional teacher of time scheduling, positive reinforcement and belief in the possibility that anything is possible with planning and mindset changes taking place. Thank you so much, Dr. Ai for your consistent showing up for those of us who use your planner and your students!


College Graduate and working professional, United States

Dr. Ai and her Life Accelerator program  changed my life positively as I learnt new skills regarding the business and entrepreneurial world. By learning these skills I have now begun to implement them into my life to create a successful brand for myself. Her program teaches you to think not only outside the box, but beyond and above it as it unlocks the limitless potential in everyone that joins.


College Student, Australia

I have had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Ai this year, and the privilege to take one of her classes. Dr. Ai goes above and beyond to ensure that her students are learning skills that they can carry with them far beyond their careers will require. She works diligently to bring in a wide variety of guest speakers so her students can learn about their career paths in a more personalized fashion, and ensures that we are constantly in-the-know with current trends and topics in the social media marketing world. I’ve had the pleasure of personally working with her by going to her with any questions or advice I may have had throughout the semester, and she has always provided me her 100% full attention, regardless of how busy she is. I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to have her as a professor, and thankful that I am able to consider her a mentor and friend for years to come.


College Student, United States

t's a great honor for me to connect with such an incredible Change-maker who is disrupting the traditional way of education. Before meeting her, I was literally thinking, If I really want to do business, coaching or law. Then I must have to spend so many years in the college/university to graduate with various degrees to pursue that multi-passionate life. My mindset shifted when I found Dr. Ai weekly lives on Friday that just blown my mind up and made me to question myself. I'm not enough to Thank you Dr. Ai because now it makes me to believe more in myself and become a Change-maker.


High School Student, Canada

I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Ai for two zoom sessions. I can not begin to express how impactful and helpful she was. Dr. Ai was clear and articulated her words well, evidently passionate about what she was teaching. She spoke about the importance of an online presence and personal brand as well as sharing how to improve my LinkedIn profile and network. Additionally, effectively coaching us on creating our profile with all her tips and advice. Her wisdom, passion, and kindness made it altogether more invaluable. Her guidance is something I'll always remember. I'm grateful and lucky to have been able to work with her.


High School Student, United States

Students Testimonials

Dr. Addyson-Zhang gave inspirational advice to a group of 8 students, who had just begun their first working experience as interns. She worked directly with us to help us understand the importance that our online presence has on our capabilities to connect within our future careers. Her cheerful energy, kindness, and impact on the community led to a personal connection within each of the interns. Thank you, for your encouragement and your time. It is an experience I will never forget, and will always be grateful for!


High School Student, United States

What a breath of fresh air you are Ai, after only a couple of minutes you had converted my students into followers. Not only because of your empathy and willingness to share your knowledge with them, but also by how quickly you were able to engage them. They now ask me about things that they are picking up from your recordings, which in turn tells me the impact you had on them. I can't thank you enough for taking the time out to help inspire my group to change their socio-economic future.


Educator, Australia

Dr. Ai is no doubt a value packed personal brand with global raving fans and once you meet her or know her, She just blows your mind with how much value she adds to you. Today, we had the honor to invite Dr. Ai as our key note speaker on Zoom for our Empowerment Talks - Middle East and Subcontinent community sharing about the importance of building personal brand and how it works like an eco system to support everyone in this day and age of the social media business era. Lots of tips and social media hacks, but most important of all is her way of being, authentic, generous, inspiring, caring and so connected with the audience. We totally got everything she did was focused on adding value first. The feedback was sensational. Everyone was raving about how useful, helpful and impactful her talk was. We are all in love with her and wanting more of her work.

The talk was conducted with so much expertise and in a wonderful storytelling style that the audience was completely engaged, involved and impacted powerfully. It's almost like a wake up call for steering the ship called social media. We got clarity and action steps. So grateful for your contribution Dr. Ai!

You have for sure expanded your popularity to this part of the world now. More raving fans to share your work and help spread your passion. Thank you so much! We love you!


Educator, UAE

“It's obvious that real talents who stand out like Dr. Ai Addyson-Zhang are rare to come by. I had the pleasure of partnering with Dr. Ai for my tertiary event in Ghana 🇬🇭 named "Tek Smartest," an academic game and quiz at The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. As someone who believes in education and technology beyond borders, she provided exceptional support to this project in Africa. Dr. Ai's ability to promote and raise local projects/brands is awesome as the event sat 2000 audience and filled the biggest auditorium of the university to its capacity. No matter how busy she was, she gave us a global presence with her brand. As the CEO of Revelio Media, host for WealthSecrets chat and a serial entrepreneur, Dr. Ai earns my highest recommendation.”


Educator, Ghana

Dr. Ai Zhang is the ideal professor, I enjoy taking her class. Her teaching methods to me me is the most effective way of learning. Dr. Ai uses tools that professionals use in their everyday work day for example adobe spark, thinkific and other tools. She is also not just a professor to me but a friend, mentor and a person who will cheer you on all the way.


College Student, United States

From dabbling in life and procrastinating on school work to going ALL IN with everything he does


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Proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in. Risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse. Tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis.

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Proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in. Risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse. Tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis.

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