For High Achieving Parents With Teenagers, Young Adults, & Early Adults

Six Shifts To Help Your Child Reclaim Confidence, Motivation, and Success

(Even if they lack good grades, fear challenges, or have no hunger for change)

(and how YOU can steal this same video to bring you high-paying clients on demand!)

Register Below To Watch The Replay of The TWO-DAY Masterclass

A step-by-step system to help teenagers and young adults to transform from feeling lost to help them reclaim their confidence, motivation, and career/life direction, so that they can succeed at school and beyond, even if they are struggling with poor grades, fear mistakes, and/or have no hugger for success

Why traditional schooling is not the solution to your child's challenges, such as a lack of drive, motivation, confidence, and direction? And why a simple five-phase process we use is the best solution to help your teenager or young adult child reclaim their confidence, motivation, and career/life direction

What are the real reasons behind your child's lack of motivation, lack of confidence, and struggle with procrastination?

How the students we work with are leveraging a proven system to fast-track their transformation and success rate, and lay the foundations for fulfilling, happy and successful lives and careers, even if they don’t have a a track record of perfect grades or lack the confidence and hunger for success

How our students are gaining confidence, motivation, and career/life direction even if they start out feeling lost or like failures

AND how to achieve all of this so that your child can fully actualize their potential, become the best version of who they are, and achieve the success they deserve, while stressing less, becoming more confident and motivated, and being empowered with the critical life skills they need to have career and life success


Dr. Ai Addyson-Zhang

Dr. Ai is an award-winning former college professor and career/life coach. She is the CEO and founder of Classroom Without Walls. Dr. Ai has twenty years of experience of education and has taught, advised, and coached more than 2,500 students to help them become career- and life-ready. Dr. Ai specializes in helping teenagers and young adults reclaim their confidence, motivation, and career/life direction, so that they can succeed at school and beyond. Dr. Ai's work has been featured in Forbes, TED, Glamour Magazine, Adobe, LinkedIn, Katie Couric Media, Inside Higher Education, and numerous other places.

Disclaimer: Success is hard. We coached every one of our students through fear, overwhelm, and challenges to grow, transform, and reclaim their confidence and motivation. Every child is different. Therefore your child's results will be different. There is no overnight transformation.

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